Our Featured Services
We Provide All Exclusive
Services For Clients

IT And Consultancy
An expert team of IT and Business consultants readily available to help you navigate the blur paths and cross out bucket lists.

E-commerce & Auction
We offer customers the opportunity to buy, sell, swap and auction goods and services of all categories and levels

Book Publishing & Sales
Our recently launched solution wfm.ogapatapata.com offers users the opportunity to publish and sell their e-books. we also offer paperback printing and publishing on demand.

Real Estate Agent
Looking to buy, sell or lease a property? Ogapatapata connects you to your desired audience and gives expert advice on choice property and valuation

Building Plans & Construction
We offer Architectural services such as Building Plans, Landscape designs, Constructions and demolitions

Adverts And Publicity
You want visibility? We have the audience and we provide the platform. we are a one stop solution

Counselling And Guidance
Talk to me is an arm of ogapatapata armed with trained and certified counselors to help you navigate through life's unease and uncertainties.
Our Portfolios
Some Of Our Digital Solutions
- All
- Multivendor Ecommerce
- E-book Publishing
- Community And Forums
Pricing Table
Small Pricing Plans
For Your Awesome Business
General Consultancy
Starts From
- 10min free call
- creative Brief
- Data & ID protection
- Access to industry experts
- Personalized service experience
- Information based on industry trends
- General Ethical considerations
Media & Adverts
Starts From
- 1 month full placement
- priority listing
- Auctioning Option
- Access to industry experts
- Personalized service experience
- Contact with customer
- General Ethical considerations
Publishing & Printing
Starts From
- Free access
- Free classes
- Data & ID protection
- minimum charge/sale
- Access to Pro Community
- Information based on industry trends
- General Ethical considerations